Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

i just love this time of the year! we have been so focused on the arrival of our little man, the season seems to be slipping away quicker than usual! we got all of our christmas shopping done, which is a record for us. we are notorious procrastinators when it comes to buying gifts. we got in gear early this year though since baby boy could come any time. we've had our christmas decorations up since thanksgiving weekend, so i thought i'd better get a couple pics of everything before it's time to take it all down!

i just love jake's mini tree! it has all his ornaments (& mine from the past 4 years) on it & it's starting to get too full. i told him he can have my tree next year & i'll get a bigger one! it's funny to listen to him go on about how his tree is the fun tree & mine is the stupid tree & everybody likes his better. i'm not denying his is definitely more fun, but ya gotta have the fancy tree & the fun tree!


FINALLY! i can post pictures of baby boy's nursery! i have been so excited about it for so long & it turned out just the way i wanted it to. i still have some decorating to do but this is the jist of it. the pictures don't do it much justice. but trust me, it is super cute! so as i mentioned in the previous post, the 2 doctors who got our hopes up were very wrong in their predictions! the doctor we saw on the 16th said i am still dilated 1 cm and still the same effacement from the week before. right when he said it, i looked at jake and our hearts sank! we were so ready to welcome this little guy into the world that weekend. i told jake the night before that if i'm still at 1 cm i will cry, he said the same. weirdly enough, i accepted what i can't change immediately, but jake did not. he was pretty bummed out. wouldn't even talk the whole way home! he is so excited to have his little buddy here, it really hurt his feelings! it was kind of funny. but i think now we have both accepted it & are ready when he is!

Spud Bowl/Bailey's Happy Day

So i am finally able to post a few pics since jake spoiled me & gave me my christmas present early this year! he decided to give me my bloggie duo video camera/still shot early just in case baby boy stops being stubborn and comes before christmas!

so as one final hurrah, we decided to go to the spud bowl last weekend in boise. we had originally canceled the trip a couple weeks ago when we were told by TWO doctors that i wouldn't make it to last weekend without going into labor...so much for that! when we went to the doctor the 16th he told me i have not progressed & to go to boise and enjoy since it might still be a while! he didn't give us a prediction as to when he thinks baby boy will join us, which i appreciate. so we went home heads hung low and packed our bags. we decided to take advantage of the change of events & enjoy what will be our last trip with just us two. we got into boise late and did a little shoe shopping then to red lobster for an amazing meal. saturday, we got up early and hit the mall-not as much fun shopping when you're prego, but i gave jake lots of ideas for post pregnancy! it was jake's cousin, bailey's "happy day" so i had fun shopping for her. after shopping, we went to bailey's party for gifts & lunch...which was amazing by the way! thanks sommers! i snapped a few pics of the bday girl trying out the new camera.

bailey with the jacket we bought...clothes aren't much fun for 4 year olds!

CoCo wanting in on the action.

JC, Jake & I 

we had to leave the party a little early to get to the game. since todd is on the potato commission, we were able to get into the hospitality tents for yet another lunch & to keep warm before the game. i wasn't much interested in watching the game, but it turned out to be pretty exciting. jake's friend, JC also joined us which was fun. he plays for the broncos so it's always fun to see him & get the inside scoop on what's going on with the team and games and everything! all in all, we had a really good time! soon our lives will never be the same!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Baby Update

So we had our doctor's appointment today and it went very well! had to do the fun strep test, then i had her check me for any sort of progress. i wasn't planning on anything, but just in case! turns out this little guy is getting ready! his head is so far down she had to push it up to get a measurement! she thinks i'll go in the next 1-2 weeks! i know, of course, that she could be wrong so i'm not getting my hopes up too high, but it is such a wonderful thought! we are planning on getting bags packed and things in order this weekend...so excited!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

as of late

i am a terrible, boring blogger! sadly, i am unable to post pictures this go around since i cannot locate my usb cord for my phone in the still dis array of my home. i can report that i am 28 days from my due date! i remember when i first found out i was pregnant, i never thought this time of year would come. we are scrambling to get things prepared just in case this little guy decides to come early...fingers crossed...! his room is ready & adorable i might add. we are only waiting on the bedding which took me a year to find, so it had better get here. my wonderful mother headed up the painting of the room since i shouldn't be around those fumes. she did an amazing job painting thick brown & beige stripes on the crib wall, again, pics to come. it looks great! like i mentioned before, we are hoping he decides to come early, i honestly cannot imagine going into january without him! pregnancy has been the most amazing experience i could ever imagine. i have been so fortunate to have such a low-key pregnancy without any complications. i had imagined myself pregnant for so long & at one point believed i never would be, so going through this 9 months has been a true blessing. we are ready for this little "yogi" to be here already!

also like i mentioned before, my house is still in dis-array. but i guess i should clarify, the places you can see are put together nicely--it's the rooms you can't see! jake's office/"man cave" still needs un packed along with the guest room. other than that, we are moved in & settled quite comfortably. it's still feels foreign to us to live in town in such a beautiful home, but we are adjusting! goldie on the other hand is still a freak about it, but she will come around.

hard to believe that thanksgiving has come & gone. we had a great holiday. i got a few days off work, which was a much needed break that went way too quickly. we went to grandma heward's for dinner then to grandma b's to scope out the black friday ads. i also talked jake into taking me to the rupert square for the fireworks...it was so fun but wayy too cold. then we spent the rest of the weekend getting our christmas decorations put up while listening to christmas music...my favorite part of the thanksgiving weekend!

lastly, i will work hard at finding my phone cord so i can spruce up my otherwise boring blog with baby shower pictures, baby room pics and house pics...i should also do at least one more baby bump picture since i've only done one @ 21 weeks!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Big City Livin'

WOW! i can't believe it actually happened! jake & i finally moved out of raft river and into the thriving metropolis of burley! it's so surreal and hasn't really sunk in for either of us, but we are so happy & feeling very blessed. we could not have done this move without all of our family...they are so great & we love them so much! moving during harvest is a never a good idea, let alone being 7 months pregnant! but i was determined! i am excited to start unpacking and making this beautiful house our home!

No major baby news to report, which i've decided in pregnancy that no news is good news! i'm seeing the doctor every 2 weeks now and go this week. 2 weeks ago i had to do the dreaded glucose test for gestational diabetes which came back negative so that's a relief! the doctor keeps reassuring me that everything is right on track & i am measuring right where i need to be which calms my stress! i will stop worrying about not gaining much weight and just starting to noticibly show. if he's not worried, neither am i! but i do have 2 months left so i'm sure i will get much bigger here soon!

Lastly, we are in the middle of harvest...which seems to be never ending! one day i hear 2 weeks left, then 3 then it rains last night and now i have no clue! i am ready for jake not to be a ghost and start getting prepared for baby boy! little does he know, i have big plans for us our saturday off! i have been helping out during harvest working scale house on saturdays and some week nights. it's not the most exciting job, but with a baby coming the extra money will be wonderful!

i will hopefully get some house pics posted & maybe a baby belly pic soon so i don't bore everybody to death with my wordy blogs!

Monday, September 12, 2011

4 Years & Counting

jake & i celebrated our 4 year anniversary last week. we didn't actually get to celebrate on the day since he is in harvest but we did get to go to dinner & the band perry concert over labor day weekend. the concert was so much fun. baby boy had a blast too, he was dancing like crazy-but if you ask jake, he says baby boy hated it and was kicking & punching to make it stop! what would i do without such an amazing husband?! he is without a doubt the funniest, loving & hardest worker i know. he is under so much pressure every day and does such a good job at leaving the stress and frustration at the door. i couldn't imagine being with anybody else, he truly is amazing.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Everything Happens For A Reason

There's that phrase again...the one i despised for about a year and a half. The phrase can be used in any situation, the phrase I've actually found myself using a lot lately, but in the good way. This has been a weird week, emotionally, for me & it's not the pregnancy hormones. i remember this week last year as if it were yesterday. the emotions, the unanswered questions, the sadness. then i remember the support & comfort we received. the one little thing my grandmother told me that finally hit home & helped me understand why all of this is happening. i have secretly dreaded this week for a year, i wasn't sure how i was going to feel. but now that it has finally came & almost gone i'm feeling blessed. excited. happy. I know now that this is where i'm supposed to be & my sweet baby boy is supposed to be the big brother, not the little brother.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Boy oh Boy

So the day i have been looking forward to for 21 weeks has finally arrived! we had our doctor's appointment today to find out the gender and if you didn't already guess, it's a BOY! we are beyond thrilled. i have known since i first found out i was pregnant that it would be a boy & i'm so glad it is! doctor said everything is measuring exactly where it's supposed to be & we are looking good! due date is still the same, december 29th, which will never change. just hope this little guy comes before january 1! my scanner isn't working to post a picture of our little 1lb. bundle of joy, but i did finally get a picture of my growing belly at 21 weeks & 1 day!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Baby Gerratt

"Patience Is a Virtue", "Good Things Come to Those Who Wait", "Everything Happens For a Reason", these are the typical well-wishes people give you and you tell yourself when going through a hard time. Well about 4 months ago, i was at my limit with these types of expressions. Many of you may not know, but getting pregnant wasn't easy for us. You know, the thing that you think will never happen to you? Looking back now at the struggle and strain this journey has been, i feel grateful and blessed to have such an amazing & strong husband. The husband who comforted me month after month, who was always optimistic (which i usually hated) and stayed up all night with me when i couldn't sleep due to the stress, worry & unanswered questions. that was one journey you hope you never have to take, but i cannot wait for the one that lies ahead.

Friday, July 29, 2011

New Beginnings

I always said I would start my blog when I had something worthy of sharing...well I think this is the perfect time! Jake & I are expecting a sweet baby December 29 & couldn't be more thrilled. I have a new job that I am so excited for & we are signing papers on our new house Monday! So many great things are happening for us, I feel so blessed! I will post all the details as they come!