Saturday, July 30, 2011

Baby Gerratt

"Patience Is a Virtue", "Good Things Come to Those Who Wait", "Everything Happens For a Reason", these are the typical well-wishes people give you and you tell yourself when going through a hard time. Well about 4 months ago, i was at my limit with these types of expressions. Many of you may not know, but getting pregnant wasn't easy for us. You know, the thing that you think will never happen to you? Looking back now at the struggle and strain this journey has been, i feel grateful and blessed to have such an amazing & strong husband. The husband who comforted me month after month, who was always optimistic (which i usually hated) and stayed up all night with me when i couldn't sleep due to the stress, worry & unanswered questions. that was one journey you hope you never have to take, but i cannot wait for the one that lies ahead.

1 comment:

  1. yeah. i am so excited for will be such a good mom. and yeah for getting a blog, its fun to see whats going on in your life. lets get together when i come home sometime this fall when chase is busy with hunting season.
